Ticking off that Bucket List, one Holiday at a time!
I'm not a 'tog' photo gallery

Here I'll add my very favourite travel photos...most of these have been taken with a phone...but a few older ones are just from a basic 'point and shoot' camera. Thank you to the people who have taken MY photo.
Now I have started this site, I may be encouraged to pull out the camera again...maybe...or perhaps buy a nicer one?

Myself and Kat, reaching Stellar Point, the crater rim of Mt Kilimanjaro.
Trev took this cracker of a shot, on our last day of safari in Kenya.
Vultures and marabou storks making a gorgeous outline against the setting sun.
My all time favourite wildlife photo that I took on the Masai Mara. What a treat it was to watch her eat her kill, then head up her tree to relax.
Just incredible.

We swam in the Devil's Pool, on top of Victoria Falls, Zambia.
Here's one of our brave guides, literally 'living on the edge'!
We were very fortunate to be able to spend the night at the legendary 'Giraffe Manor' in Nairobi.
These majestic creatures roam freely around the grounds and even poke their heads into your bedroom windows for some snacks.
It was heavenly.

And here WE are in it. It was sooooooo cool!

This darling giraffe had been 'standing sentinel' with about seven others, as one of their herd was giving birth.
She'd had enough, and lay down for a nap.
We stayed to watch the miraculous event, but alas, after two hours, the National Park was closing...We bid the 'Mother-to-be' good luck and farewell.
Lake Manyara National Park, Tanzania
Trev and I, after a snow shoeing trek at Damoy Point, Antarctica. This is a replica of Amundsen's tent...what he left at the South Pole for a devastated Scott to find only a month later, in 1912.
These two male impalas were having quite the disagreement, one early morning game drive on The Serengeti. The crashing of the antlers was like a primal sword fight.

A curious Humpback Whale got between our zodiacs, at Neko Harbour, Antarctica.

Paradise Cove, Antarctica, on a picture perfect day.

The VERY first photo I took of
The Colosseum, and still my favourite.
I cried when I saw her...so old, so historical, I'm such a sook.
Cruising on a long canal boat, through waterways of Suzhou, China...."The Venice of The East' as it's known.
Just gorgeous with the red lanterns, timber boats and various bridges, offering brilliant refection photo opportunities.

Such an iconic shot...I didn't want to ruin it with our faces in front of it.
Another emotional moment, after spending many days in high altitude to get there.
The clouds opened like a curtain when we arrived. No words.

Well, I'll always have a few more words, (just ask my kids).... but I had to add my Machu Picchu llama selfie. :) Not the best shot, but a fave all the same.

The stunning sunset skyline of Florence, Italy, from our hotel roof.
We scampered up and down stairs and storage corridors to find a private rooftop balcony with cushions, and a table for our vino.

The extraordinary street food of China...Um, yeah, nah!
But wait, there's more...
Grub's up!

More of Suzhou. Such a beautiful old city, yet it's modern too, running 90% of its power now on LED.

Don't get too close to the Taj monkeys...just sayin'....
The entry gate into the Taj Mahal. Stunningly beautiful in it's own right.

This dear old man wandered past me in the old city of Jerusalem, behind the Western Wall.
I didn't see the ray of light until I looked at the image. What a story I bet he has.

The children of the Mathare slums in Nairobi, Kenya.
I always found that the people with the least, asked for the least...
We helped them with our fundraising by contributing to their informal schooling there.
(600,000 people, no power, no running water, 4 toilets...c2007)
This handsome Egyptian man was at the Karnak Temple, Luxor. He had the most astonishingly blue eyes and he was more than happy for me to capture his image.

My two favourite photos of our time at Petra.

Just a bit more of Africa.
Why the bright colours? To scare off the predators whilst they are shepherding their stock.

They said that leaving Manilla harbour, we'd see the best sunset ever.
I think they were right!!!
You always must stop to smell the roses....
especially at The Melbourne Cup!

A peruvian lady with her alpaca, up on the high plains where you stop due to the altitude, and you get to buy more blankets!

We cruised on a reed boat with a family who lived on the floating islands of
Apparently the next lady this little girl sat on, got wee'd on...it was my lucky day...plus this was my 50th birthday!

My 'glass of giraffes' on 'ZOOFARI' at the Western Plains Zoo, Dubbo.

I loved the symmetry in this fountain, opposite the National Museum of Oslo.

In the days before online travel blogs...this was the 'very many lines' travel diary of old.
I'm on the rim of the Ngorogoro Crater, Tanzania, on my first day of our safari. I actually got completely covered in ants here., in my clothes, hair, shoes and yes, ants in my pants!

Lord Nelson's 'HMS Victory', exquisitely restored and on permanent display in Portsmouth, England. This puppy had three levels of cannons. Quite the warship!
Nelson was killed on board, during the Battle of Trafalgar, and they brought his body back in a barrel of rum!

Two of our team, Michael and Peter, above the clouds and on the edge of Mt Kilimanjaro, Tanzania.

Our snug little tents, jammed between rocks, at Barafu Camp...Our last stop before summiting Mt Kilimanjaro (pictured behind). Barafu is Swahili for 'ice'. Brrr
Our comedic Kilimanjaro guide, being 'Cactus Man'!

I love these padlock bridges...this one is over Nyhavn Canal in Copenhagen. Usually, we are so tight on luggage weight, I wouldn't bother to pack heavy padlocks....I wonder if we could scribble with permanent marker on a zip tie? Trending...lol

The land iguanas of Galapagos are just the coolest dudes. Unafraid of humans, and boy, don't they just look like a direct link to Jurassic Park?

I love the Parthenon, atop the Acropolis in Athens, but these ladies are my favourite. The flag too, up there, is utterly enormous.
I'm one of those people who loves to take a photo of a nation's flag in every country we visit.

Sydney's landmark bridge, just days apart....
NYE fireworks simply have THE best platform for the big show....and Australia Day, January 26...the Tall Ships race down the harbour, and the Bridge is the finish line.

The desert dunes of Abu Dhabi.... Sunsets, shisha, sunburn, searing heat, spitting camels and swift peregrine falcons.

What's not to love about the onion domes of the soviet days?
This is the Alexander Nevsky Church in Tallin, Estonia.
The Church of The Spilled Blood, St Petersburg, Russia. I had this as my screen saver for a long time, it was a privilege to see it, albeit with the main dome covered in scaffold. The inside is even more incredible!

The Great Pyramid of Giza.
Just as awe inspiring as you'd dream. Nah. It's better!

Trev, at his favourite spot on the Viking Orion...the infinity pool at the back of the ship, at sunset.

Just try it on they say...you don't have to buy it they say.
Yeah, we do.

Just as beautiful all white, as coloured.

An optical illusion in the amazing MONA Museum in Hobart, Tasmania. Felt like we were in Willy Wonka's factory.

Some downtime to reflect. Where next?
We wore absolutely EVERYthing we had on our first Antarctic landing!

My absolute favourite penguins, the Kings, still nurturing their babies at
In the Australian Outback, we happened across some friendly emus...One was determined for a selfie with me.

A Gentoo penguin, enjoying a drink, at Brown Station, Antarctica.

I just love the Eiffel Tower!
There are so many different photo opportunities here, from standing directly under it, to a bleak monocratic look, then of course, lit up at night.
She's glorious.

The extraordinary salt formations in the abandoned

We stayed two nights in this beautiful old Castle in northern Portugal.
A UNESCO site, 'Palace Do Bussaco' is a former home of the last King of Portugal. It's gardens and interior are well worth the visit. Although, to enter inside, you must be a guest.
Do it! Their food was world class!

The talented artists at

A Maldivian stork, happily posing for me. Love it.
Two of my favourite Maldivian sunsets. They blew us away, every single evening.